
World Window > Tours to Russia > Murmansk

Day 1

  • 15 Boarding an all-terrain bus. Sightseeing tour of the Khibiny on an all-terrain bus. (8 hours, 70 km.). In a few hours, we will overcome the path on which pedestrian groups spend several days. All-terrain vehicles are specially prepared for comfortable transportation of tourists to hard-to-reach places: comfortable seats, panoramic windows, the ability to recharge equipment inside the cabin. During the trip, you will visit the most interesting places of Khibin, hear the Sami legends, drive through abandoned geological roads, learn the history of the discovery and development of the mineral wealth of the Khibiny mountains. Subject to good weather, walking passes to the passes are provided. During the trip, a picnic in nature will be organized, which may be better than a snack surrounded by ancient mountains, without connection, alone with nature.
  • After a busy trip, we check into the Tirvas sanatorium
  • Check-in at Hotel Tirvas. Accommodation in 1 building, standard rooms (all rooms with separate beds)
  • Dinner at the Hotel.
  • Relax time.

Day 2

  • 00-7.00 — Check out of the hotel with Lunchbox breakfast.
  • 00 — Boarding the bus.
  • The journey continues we go to the village of Lovozero (180 km), from where we will go to the sacred Seydozero by boat.
  • Seidozero is a surprisingly beautiful place that created Mother Nature. Seidozero is no doubt fraught with many mysteries. And it is no coincidence that many expeditions have been carried out to it since the last century, by order of leading researchers, neurophysiologists, and politicians of those times. There is an opinion that you can «catch Zen» there.
  • Upon arrival in the village of Lovozero wу will be met by a local guide and given a safety briefing.
  • Departure by speedboat on Lake Lovozero to Motkovskaya Bay, then walking to Seydozero on the territory of the reserve 2.5 km, accompanied by an experienced guide — instructor. The trail passes near the stormy Motka River, through a clearing of dancing birches to a place called the beach, where in sunny weather on one of the steep cliffs a silhouette of a man called «Kuiva» is read here. Backdrop of the famous Kuiva rock and listen to the mysterious legend about the origin of Seydyavr — the «lake of mountain spirits.» Hot thermos tea and cheese and reindeer sausage sandwiches are on offer while relaxing on the beach.
  • After an active walk, we will go on a boat to a camp site, where we will have lunch in a plague near an open hearth to the sound of ethnic music.
  • Return by speedboat to Lovozero. Boarding the bus transfer to Murmansk. Check into Rooms & Breakfast Hotel
  • Dinner (on its own).
  • A night at the hotel.

Day 3

  • 00 Breakfast in the hotel.
  • Check out of the hotel.
  • Meeting with a guide.
  • 00 Departure of the group to the village of Teriberka. (130 km)
  • The village of Teriberka, Murmansk region, was included in the top 20 popular tourist destinations according to National Geographic magazine.
  • Teriberka is an amazing village on the Barents Sea Coast, where mesmerizing landscapes open up, where the noise of the wave is breathtaking, where every meter of amazing nature is filled with life and the edges are erased.
  • Upon arrival in Teriberka, we go for a walk to the most popular natural attractions:
    • Dragon Egg Beach
    • Teribersky waterfall
    • Wartime artillery battery
  • After the walk, everyone will have a well-deserved lunch in a restaurant on the shore overlooking Teriberskaya Bay.
  • After lunch we go to the hotel «Nord Pilgrim» (double occupancy)
  • Those who wish can go for a walk or relax at the hotel
  • In the evening, we cook dinner (collective creativity) together in an equipped kitchen at the hotel.

Day 4

  • 00 Breakfast in the hotel.
  • Check out of the hotel.
  • Meeting with a guide.
  • 00 Departure of the group to the village of Teriberka. (130 km)
  • The village of Teriberka, Murmansk region, was included in the top 20 popular tourist destinations according to National Geographic magazine.
  • Teriberka is an amazing village on the shores of the Barents Sea, where fascinating landscapes are opened, where the sound of the wave is breathtaking, where every meter of amazing 8.00 Breakfast in the hotel is filled with life. Releasing numbers. Boarding the bus.
  • 00 Departure in the capital of the Northern Fleet — the city of Severomorsk.
  • A military-patriotic trip to the capital of the Northern Fleet will acquaint you with the history of the city and its heroes. You will visit the Air Force Museum, which is located on the very shore of the bay, where the first hydroaerodrome was based.
  • It was from here that the aviation of the Northern Fleet began its history. Next, we will go to the legendary submarine K-21 in Severomorsk and end the journey with lunch in a cozy cafe.
  • Return to Murmansk.
  • End of the program.

NOTE: the program is individual and is calculated separately for each group.
The cost depends on the number of people in the group and the season.

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